Monday, 20 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Through Careful Observation

Kia Ora blogger’s. I was given 2 pictures to choose from and I had to observe it closely and write a description.  I decided to write it in a poem.

 Starry Night by Van Gogh

Blog you later!


  1. Mālō e Lelei Maddison,

    Wow, what a very lovely poem you have written today about the painting you have chosen today. This is very creative and I really like how you have made this activity your own and changed it into a poem, that is very smart of you.

    I really like how much detail you have put into writing this piece today, you have looked very carefully at the painting and that helped you write your poem. What is your favorite part of the painting?

    The picture you have uploaded is not showing on your blog, can you please go in and edit this blog post so that everyone can see what painting you have written about today.

    Nofo a,

  2. Hey Maddison,

    This is a great poem, very creative and descriptive. Keep up the awesome work,



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