Monday, 20 January 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Nanogirl

Today’s blog is about Tiny Houses. Would I like to live in one??

Yes!!  I like to spend time by myself.  Having my own tiny home would give me my own privacy and not having anyone tell me what to do.  Being in a tiny home would help me keep my stuff tidy as I wouldn't be able to have too much stuff. 

If I had one with wheels I would be able to take it to the beach.  How amazing would that be, being able to wake up and walk outside your door to the beach.

 Tiny Homes NZ

Blog You Later!


  1. Hello again Maddison

    I am back to comment on you extradunary blog! I very like the words you used. It made me want to change my mind to live in a tiny house. Maybe next time you should add some back story to your post. Otherwise, fantastic blog post Maddison

    -Pao :)

    1. Thanks, I really want to live in a tiny house when I'm older. Living in a tiny house is much more easier to clean and tidy up than a big house.

      Se you later!

      Maddison :)

  2. Mōrena Maddison,

    Kei te pai on completing another activity today for the Summer Learning Journey programme. I really enjoyed reading about how you would feel about living in a Tiny House if you had the chance to.

    I really like that you have stated what you would want to do and why you would want in depth, with a lot of detail. I think it would be really amazing to be able to put wheels on a tiny house and take it to the beach with me!

    My favourite thing about Tiny Houses is that, most of the time they are custom-made and designed to how you like it. If you were to get a Tiny House, what would your must-haves for your house be?

    Ka kite ano,

  3. This is a great blog Maddison, we have been talking about something very similar lately, which is a container home. This is something your father and I are looking at for us to have at the beach.

    I agree tiny houses are so much easier to keep tidy as you cant have much stuff in them. It also makes you appreciate the important things more.

    Keep up the awesome blogging



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