Friday, 18 January 2019

Week 2 Day 2 Activity 3 - Stranger than fiction

This blog activity I am going to tell you about 2 strangest plants and their similarities and differences.

The first plant that I found is the Lit-hop plant.

And the second plant I found is the Mimosa Pudica   mimosa pudica

The differences I found is that:

1. The Lit-hop plant looks different to the Mimosa Pudica.

2. The Lit-Hop plant can live up to 50 years where the Mimosa Pudica only lives 1-2 years

3. The Lip-hop plant is found in South Africa and the Mimosa Pudica is found in South America.

The similarities are:

1.  They both can be pink and purple

2. Both plants are non poisonous

3. Both plants live in subtropical land

Check out my blog for more of my Summer Learning Journey.

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  1. Mauri Maddison,

    I can see that you've read some research about each of the plants and thought carefully about the similarities and differences between them. I like that you've organised your findings in easy to read lists, ka pai. Perhaps next time you could explain a little more clearly, how the Lithop looks different to the Mimosa Pudica.

    A friendly reminder; you can receive an extra 5 points if you include pictures of each plant. If you want to earn the extra points, update your post to include pictures and I'll gladly award you full points for this activity. :) Reply to my comment once you've done so, to let me know.

    Once ages ago, I had the chance to see and feel a Venus Flytrap in person. It was kept on a window sill so it could get lots of sunshine as well as insects that fly in to the house through the window. I remember putting the tip of my finger near the opening and it slamming shut, it didn’t hurt me at all.. It kinda tickled but I wouldn’t do it again. Would you touch one if you had the chance?

    Toe feiloa’i fo’i.


  2. Hi Maddison,

    Great comparisons. I would love to see photos of the plants so I am able to see the similarities and differences you have mentioned.



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