Monday, 4 May 2020

Art - Flip books!

Kia Ora bloggers. For this post I will be talking about my extra activity which I made flip books! It was pretty simple to make. All you need is sellotape, scissors, paper, a maker or pen, and a very bright light. The first thing you need to do it cut out even pieces of paper and take one piece of paper and draw something, grab a second piece of paper, put the first piece on the light and the other on top of that piece. Then draw the same thing but make it move a little and keep on doing that to all of your pieces of paper. Once you've done that, sellotape the paper together in order and try it out.

Blog You Later.


  1. Kia ora Maddison. Great idea. I like the way you've challenged people to make a more difficult one. I hope they share their work too. Have you tried doing animation using stop motion or Google Slides?

  2. Great idea Maddison, and good clear instructions so others can try it out. Also everyone will be able to easily find the things they need to have a go. Your stick man reminded me of the TV add for PAC ‘n Save! Maybe if you take a look at that you will get some ideas for a more challenging flip book.
    Keep up the great blog posts, I am enjoying seeing all the different ideas that you have.
    From Mrs Mackenzie

  3. Awesome job Maddison, your video was very professionally done - I particularly liked the way you delivered your oral suggestions, you were clear and concise! Did you eventually go on to create something more complex? Did you brother and sister have a go at this? Maybe next time, your animation could include colour, or an image with more detail. One of my favourite animations to watch is a series called 'Simon's Cat' - you guessed it, it's about a cat belonging to Simon, and all the different day-to-day adventures that he undertakes. The artist is Simon Tofield - you can check out 'Simon's Cat' on youtube, as long as you parents are happy for you to use youtube. If you watch it, let me know what you think. Keep up the awesome blogging Maddison! :-)

  4. Hi Maddison I am Huzaifah from Haumia. I really liked your play it was so fantastic. It reminded me of when my class even did a play. Maybe next time you could add in your play some costumes of you guys being the animals but it was great. Why did you do a play?
    Blog you later!


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