Saturday 26 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Celebrating Summer - Week 2 Day 4 - Building A Dam

Kia Ora Bloggers. Welcome back to another post! Today we had to build our own dam!! Do you know what a dam is?? Its a big wall that stops water from leaking through and for people and animals to get water instead using tap water!

We also had to put them on a google drawing and write a description about it for the kick start task and then for the step it up task we had to write down what worked and what didn't work.

Here are the google drawings:

Check out a little video of my dam in action

Hope you enjoyed my blog!

Don't forget to leave a thoughtful, helpful and positive comment.

Blog you later!


  1. Afternoon Maddison,

    Can I just say how proud I am, watching you commit to the Summer Learning Journey and give it 110%. You are giving every activity your best, and only asking for help when you've tried every aspect on your own. I am also loving the opportunities you are giving your sister to help and have a go too.

    This activity was great. I had no idea you had done this one and with the help of your sister. It really shows how far you have come on your journey. I enjoyed reading what worked and what didn't. Have you thought of ways that you could improve or change your dam idea to fix the issues you had?

    Look forward to seeing more.

    1. Hi Mum,
      Thank you. That makes me feel really happy. I know you have taught me that when I commit to something I need to see it through to the end. It does make it easy when its lots of fun.

  2. Hi Maddison,

    My name is Joanna from Glen Taylor School, you did great work with your dam!

    1. Hi Joanna,
      Thank you for your comment

  3. Kia ora Maddison

    Awesome dam!!! You’ve got such great materials, is this in your backyard? A lot of people were using mud in their dams, it seems like the key ingredient for blocking all the small gaps.

    I think you were asking a lot of your makeshift dam. There was a lot of water that was being held back, it would take a very strong structure to keep it all at bay. Loving the diagrams! Super helpful for making sense of it all.

    Mā te wā

  4. Hi Benjamin,
    Yes this was in our backyard. I'm not sure mum and dad would have been happy if I had taken dirt from the garden. But maybe next time I will ask them if I can use a little.
    Bye for now


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