Tuesday 28 July 2020

Matariki Tasks

Kia Ora bloggers. 
What did you do for Matariki?? We had the chance of taking part in  three different tasks!! The first task was making Maori Kites, manu tukutku. We drew patterns on a strip of paper then added dye on top of the pattern to keep the pastel on the paper.  They were then woven onto the bamboo kites frames.

The second task was to make Maori bread. This bread we used self raising flower. we had different toppings, Maple syrup, jam, hazelnut chocolate and butter. We had one bun each.

The last tasks was stop motion animation. I was with Rael in the task. We started our stop motion but didn't get to finish it.

Have fun with the rest of your week and hope you can try these tasks!!!

B. Y. L (Blog You Later!!)