Saturday 2 January 2021

Summer Learning Journey - Celebrating Summer - Week 3 Day 5 - Which Face is Real

Welcome back to another post, Bloggers! Today's task we had to play a little game to see Which Face Is Real. It was a bit challenging because both of the faces that were there looked like they were real but one of them was fake. We had to put both images onto a google drawing and then find how each image is different. We also had to make a screencastify showing how to see if an image is real or fake.

Google Drawing:


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Blog You Later!


  1. Evening Maddison

    Another great post. I found the game you lined quite tricky. It was sometimes hard to pick the real person. Others it was obvious. I really liked your example you used, and could see how you could determine which was the real and fake people.

    I learnt something myself from your blog today. I did not know you could upload and search an image. I was quite fascinated by this.

    Awesome blogging

    1. Hi Mum,
      I found this really interesting. Seeing how faces are changed. Now I know how to look out for fake pictures now. And also how to check them.

  2. Mōrena Maddison,

    Fiona here again from the SLJ team. Great work completing the 'Which Face is Real' activity and learning heaps about how to spot fake images on the web. Like you and your mum, I also learnt heaps doing this activity - it really opened my eyes to the deep fake that exists online!

    Did you have a go at the 'which face is real?' activity and give yourself a score out of 10? I only got 5/10 when I first tried, but then after watching all the videos I improved to 9/10, so I was pretty happy with that!

    Great work with all your outstanding blogging Maddison - you are a SLJ superstar!

    Mā te wā,

    Fiona (SLJ).


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