Monday 21 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey - Celebrating Summer - Week 2 Day 1 - Build a Xylophone with Nanogirl!

Welcome back to my blog. Today's task involves Nanogirl!! I had my friend visiting who is also doing the Summer Learning Journey.  We decided to make these together, but make our own videos.  You can check out her video here.  Firstly we had to make an paper xylophone out of 5 pieces of A4 paper. We also had to make a water xylophone,  out of 5 glass cups including water to put in the cups. When we tried this we were also listening to the tunes they made. Here are some of the pictures of what we made:

We had to record ourselves singing a super hero song that goes with the beat we created with the equipment from above. Here is my video:

Hope you enjoyed the video!!

Blog you later!

Don't forget to leave a thoughtful helpful and positive comment down below!!


  1. Afternoon Maddison,

    I enjoyed watching you and your friend make this activity. I found it really interesting watching you figure out the different levels of water and how the noise changed when you changed the levels.

    I found your tune and song very catchy. And that is a great quality when it comes to super power theme songs. It's easy to remember.

    Keep up the creative work.

    1. Hi Mum,
      Thank you, I enjoyed this too as I got to make music. I am happy to hear you enjoyed it.
      Have a great day

  2. Ka pai Maddison. I love how you've included a mixture of text, pictures and video. What was the hardest part of this activity? Your little song is quite catchy, I think it might be stuck in my head all day!

    1. Hi Phil,
      Haha your comment made me laugh. How long was my song stuck in your head?
      The hardest part was trying to remember the beat. It did take a few tries before I got the final beat I wanted.
      Thanks for your comments.

    2. Haha I can't remember how long it was stuck in my head but it was quite a while! I recorded some drumming a few months ago and I know how hard it is to remember the beats and get them perfect. I think the key is lots and lots and los of practice (and to make practising fun).

  3. Kia Ora Maddison,

    My name is Zana and I am a blog commenter from the Summer Learning Journey.

    How exciting that were already onto the second week of the Summer Learning Journey and the second Nano Girl activity. This xylophone activity was so exciting and I loved seeing all the fun everyones had making their instruments and music.

    You did a great job with this activity sharing a description of the activity and the process of how you made your instruments as well as some photographs of you preparing your experiment. I thought your video was awesome!! Your xylophone and glasses made beautiful music and it is great that you included a clip of yourself singing, great job!!!

    Keep up the great work and I hope to see more of your posts over the summer.

    Ngā mihi nui,
    Zana Yates

    1. Hi Zana,
      I can't believe how fast the Summer Learning Journey is going this year. I have really enjoyed the Nano Girl activities. I love creative activities and have heaps of fun with them.
      Hope you are enjoying your summer


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