Friday 25 January 2019

Week 4 Day 2 Activity 2 - A Protective Plant

On today's blog post I need to decide what veges, fruit or herbs I would grow in my garden.

Veges that I want to grow in my garden: Lettuce, Cauliflower, Cucumber and Potato. 
Fruit that I want to grow in my garden: Strawberry, Bananas, Tomato and Blueberry.
an herbs Lemon grass and mint 

Check out my blog for more of my summer learning journey.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maddison,

    It's Leslie here, reading your blog as a member of the Summer Learning Journey team.

    What a lovely combination of fruits, veggies and herbs that you would grow in your garden! I think you must be a cook! Do you already have a garden where you live?

    I have many gardens around our home in Canada but they're all flower gardens, with some bushes interspersed. My husband really wants us to grow vegetables next summer so we'll give that a go. Our growing season is shorter than yours as we have winter for almost 6 months so we have to choose things that will grow in a relatively short period of time. I think we'll try growing carrots, potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes. We'll see how we do!!! And we'll hope that the bunnies in the area won't eat everything before we can pick it!!

    I hope you're having a really nice summer and that the gardens in Auckland are beautiful this year! I'm so glad that you've chosen to be a part of this blogging program - good on you!!

    I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog.




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